Conquer Your Dreams Sample

Chapter Two - How Dreams Get Made and The Tools of The Dream Conqueror

Where Do Dreams Come From?

All dreams start out as wishes. All wishes start out as mysterious impulses and yearnings that eventually get formed into fuzzy images which play over and over in your head. These fuzzy images soon become less fuzzy as they are subjected to being thought about.

If by thinking about them, a person decides that they want to make these fuzzy images which came from a wish which came from mysterious impulses and yearnings into something real and tangible, then it is now a dream. 

This is bad enough, but it gets worse.

If that dream is allowed to fester and grow within your soul for too long without being conquered then you end up the sort of person who buys and reads this book.

Once a dream takes root it will slowly wrap you in madness. This madness will choke you and destroy all your chances at obtaining happiness.

The journey from initial impulse to an accomplished goal does not entail dreaming. In a properly operating Reality Generating Mechanism which is working off of a proper Reality Blueprint, having dreams is not needed.

In such a person, the impulses and yearnings form into a wish and then instead of that wish getting thought about the person will simply do what they need to do in order to grant themselves their wish.

This doing something about your wishes is what separates them from dreams and allows impulses and yearnings to manifest as accomplished goals and not worthless dreams.

This illustration illustrates how a yearning becomes a dream:

Illustration one is missing.

This depiction of how a yearning becomes an accomplished goal depicts just that very thing:

Illustration Two is also missing.

Have you seen either of them? Tell them to call me at once.

You Must See By Now

See? You must be starting to get the point by now. If you think you want to do something and then take steps to do that thing you are not dreaming but rather goal accomplishing. You had two illustrations to clarify the point for you.

On The Other Hand

If you just wish and think, then it is a dream, and you will waste your life dreaming away while those around you accomplish goals instead.

What Is So Wrong With Dreams?

I have just told you what is so wrong with dreams. I have told you about it in prose form; now you will learn it in list form.

Lists and Quizzes help you integrate the prose explanations in new and exciting ways while allowing me to "beat a dead horse" and add worthless pages to this book.

A Summation of This Chapter (Chapter Two)  So Far In List Form

Having a dream is such a terrible thing that it leads to all manner of problems. You probably recognize several of these problems as the ones that you are having with your life. Some of these problems are:

Sometimes it is enough to present you with wisdom, then put that wisdom in a list and change your life. Sometimes it is that easy. This time, it is not. Conquering dreams is a difficult task. Like many tasks, it requires tools. If you want to do this properly, then you will acquire these tools:

The Dream Conqueror's Tools

If you choose to conquer your dreams you will need the following items:

A Dream Journal

Use an expensive, leather bound notebook. Upon these pages, you will write your dreams. All of them. Spell them out in detail. Incredible detail. Do not stop until every dream that is haunting you resides within this cursed tome you are giving birth to. When your dreams are safely contained within your Dream Journal, lock it in your safe. Do not ever let it out. Do not listen to its whispers.

A Goal Diary 

Any notebook will work just fine for your Goal Diary. When you accomplish a goal, you will open your Goal Diary, think about making an entry and then close the Goal Diary. You do not need to write down your goals; you need to accomplish them. Keeping a Goal Diary in the prescribed manner will remind you of this. 

Notebook for Chronicling Your Wishes

When you wish for something, chronicle it in your Wish Chronicling Notebook. This isn't something that will help you out right away, but you will want a Chronicle of Wishes for when you learn not just to conquer your dreams but to slay them as well.

A Logbook to Log Your Strange Impulses and Desires

You will not be able to properly perceive Your Strange Impulses and Desires, and you must not try. Leave this Logbook untouched for now. 

A Pocket Sized Note Pad

This is a very handy addition to any pocket. Be sure to include a pen to gain the most benefit. A tiny notepad serves many purposes. One of these purposes is to remind yourself that you must not dream. This is why you will write "I must not dream. It will only lead to my doom." on one of the notebook's many pages and read it every twenty minutes.

Other purposes may include:

Writing down dreams you might have throughout the day and then crossing them out and writing "NO!!" next to them.

Underline the word "No" twice. In red. Just the two underlying lines are red. The word "No" and the exclamation point(s) are black. 

Never write in blue ink if you want your words to be taken seriously.

Listing your inadequacies.

Many Pens

You must have pens, or this will not work.

Several More Pens

You always lose pens or give them away.

A Cloth Sack

You should have many cloth sacks of various sizes around at all times. Never leave the house without having pockets stuffed full of sacks. A cloth sack is good for so many things; you will wonder how you ever have gotten through the day without one. Just give it a try and you will agree.

A Safe

You will lock your completed Dream Diary in this. The first step towards conquering your dreams is writing them down and locking them away until you are ready to destroy them. 

That is all that is needed for now. It is best if you go ahead and purchase the "Dream Conqueror's Took Kit*" from this will insure you get the proper tools. You will be able to accomplish the conquering of your dreams with unbranded notebooks just as easily, but honestly what is the point of that?

*Safe, fancy expensive notebook, and cloth sacks not included.

How To Use Your Tools

Each of the tools has been described for you and named in such a fashion that you can easily deduce the purpose of the tool from the name that I have bestowed upon it. Simply follow the descriptions of how to use the tools above.   

What You Now Know

Now you know why dreams are worthless and what tools you need to conquer them and also how to deduce the correct use of those tools by reading the descriptions and following the directions. You know so many things now that you deserve a break.

Take a Break

You must be tired after doing all of that understanding and notebook ordering. So why not relax? Many people find signing up for a mailing list to be soothing. Try the one at my website, you will not be disappointed. I will see you in the morning. You need rest before we go on.