Dear Broken Soul 1 Sample


So, you have found this booklet- or has it found you? It usually does not matter who found who first. The only thing of importance is that finally, we are united. United in what you may reasonably ask? United in the quest to live a better life, to make a better world. You in your role as a broken husk of your potential self and me in my roll of a wise, generous, humble servant of salvation. 

Together, though this series of lessons disguised as emails, printed into booklets, we will examine and vanquish the problems that are rotting your soul. Why have I done this for you? After all we have just met, isn’t it a little presumptuous and forward of me to assume I possess the knowledge and wisdom that are missing from your life? 

We both know, intuitively, that the answer is “No, it is not.” We both also know (intuitively) that we should be asking a different question. One whose answer is more fitting to our current circumstances. 

That question is, “Why are you publishing emails in the form of small booklets instead of just publishing them as booklets or sending them as emails?” I wish I had the answer to this question. That is to say, I wish I had an answer to that question that you could easily understand. All I can say is that after publishing two books full of self-improvement strategies and wisdom teachings I did not notice the world becoming a smarter, more enlightened place. In fact, not only did I seem to not make a difference, the world got progressively worse. When I noticed this, I asked myself, from within the walls of my crystal pyramid meditation chamber, how this could be the case. 

The answer surprised me. It must be because my earlier books were too long, some as long as 70ish pages. This is much too much information for someone like you to ingest and put into practice. I mistakingly thought that the larger font size would make things easier for my target audience of barely literate, self absorbed, broken souls- souls like you- to absorb, but alas it was not enough. 

I pondered my collection of orbs for several lunar cycles until I hit upon a method of distribution that would be more appropriate for the mind of the common person to absorb and make use of.  

That answer was to break down my wisdom in to wisbits- tiny bits of wisdom that can be distributed via email mini courses. So I set to work, secluded in my writing cabin, deep in the wilderness, where I created many mini courses of wisdom all tied together through a convoluted system of mailing lists. 

But nothing happened. Again. 

I was disappointed but I was resigned not to give up. After all, I was as sick and tired of living in a world full of idiots as you were of being an idiot that is sick and tired of the world. I had to find another way. 

I contacted my spirit guides for guidance. Through their transmissions I was able to see that a book containing nearly 80 pages was much too much to absorb and implement at once. They also made it known that a single email did not contain enough wisdom on its own to make a difference.   

The answer then became clear. As clear as the night sky I was staring at when it came to me. I realized that combing one mini course into a booklet would result in something smaller than a book, yet longer than an email. 

And now here we are, on the verge of a life altering experience. 

Yours In Healing,
Hugo Holmesnow