What Is Wrong With You Sample

CHAPTER Two: The Fear Matrix, The Ego Vortex, The Reality Generating Mechanism and How Those Things are Affected by the Things That are Wrong With You.

The mystic monks of the mountains have studied the Soul for centuries and have found it generally consists of three main parts

1. The Reality Generating Mechanism

2. The Fear Matrix 

3. The Ego Vortex

Some people have more components in their souls and others have less. It all depends on what your mother ate during the fourth month of her pregnancy. 

Now might be a good time to take a closer look at the main components of the soul. We have listed them but that is not enough. They must be explained. They must be extrapolated upon. You must become familiar with The Reality Generating Mechanism, The Fear Matrix, and The Ego Vortex and you must know how they work and how you have destroyed them with ill thinking caused by the things that are wrong with you.

The Reality Generating Mechanism 

This part of your soul is a complex web of complexes that determines how you make your own reality. It consists of many subparts- too many to list here and there are always more being discovered all the time. So, you will agree that listing all the parts of the Reality Generating Mechanism is not the point here. 

The point is that you make your own reality with your thoughts, actions, and how you focus the resources of your mental mind. It is just like all the other coaches and self-help books say. What they don’t say is something only I have the nerve to say. This thing that I have to say is this:

The resources of your mental mind are not working correctly, this is evidenced by how awful your life is going and has been going and will continue to go until you fix the things that are wrong with you. You have allowed your Reality Generating Mechanism to manifest all manner of trouble because you don’t pay it proper attention. You didn’t even know it was there did you? You have been using the law of attraction to attract a bunch of trouble and nonsense when you could have been not been doing that instead. 

Now that it has been said you have heard it. Even if you read it, you have heard it. In time you will feel it. I am here to make sure that you really feel it.

The Fear Matrix

If you are at the point where you are turning to this book for help instead of actually solving your problems by doing what you are afraid to do what you must do, then, you have a Broken Fear Matrix in addition to a Faulty RGM.

The job of the Fear Matrix is to take information from the Reality Generating Mechanism and determine whether or not it is scary. If it is found scary then the Fear Resolution Process is begun. This process is contingent upon both The Reality Generating Mechanism and The Fear Matrix having a nice, working relationship. 

When they are in harmony and working correctly then they will get along and you will notice that only things that are actually dangerous to you will incite fear. For example, a person with a healthy RGM and FM will, upon seeing a large and angry wolf simply intuit that this is not an advantageous situation and calmly resolve the conflict in their favor. 

If however, the same person sees the same wolf through the lens of a broken RGM and faulty FM, then they will panic and be ripped to shreds by the wolf and consumed. This will continue with the wolf completing the digestive process and defecating what were once your vital organs onto the ground, where it will feed millions of bacteria, hundreds of insects and perhaps help some plants grow. This applies to metaphorical as well as literal wolves but not allegorical ones. 

The above example makes it easy to see that the Fear Matrix and Reality Generating Mechanism go hand in hand to produce your world and how you handle being afraid of both wolf and non-wolf related problems. The trouble is that all of the things that are wrong with you have resulted in these soul parts being miscalibrated. 

Miscalibrations cause miscalculations, miscalculations cause missed opportunities. Missed opportunities result in more things being wrong with you, so you can see how important it is to repair your broken soul parts before they ruin what is left of your life. 

The Ego Vortex

The Ego Vortex is unique in that it is the only part of the Soul that is visible to others. Your Ego Vortex is similar to your personality but not identical to it because then it would be called your personality and not your Ego Vortex. It is important that you pay attention to the words you read, hear, and say to make sure you know what they mean. 

A proper Ego Vortex understands. If you feel as though you aren’t understanding something then you can blame a Rusty Ego Vortex for it. You can do that, but it would be better to blame yourself for allowing your Ego Vortex to become encrusted with rust. 

If you can do this, then that is a sure sign that you are ready to have less things wrong with you. 

Repairing Soul Components

Repairing a damaged soul which consists of a busted reality generating mechanism and interfacing with your Ego Vortex while mitigating the Fear Matrix in order to bring about positive growth fulfillment is something you shouldn't do alone. It is something that you cannot do alone. If it were, don’t you think that you would have done it by now?

No one argues that a broken soul is a good thing. As someone who has lived with a broken soul for most of their lives, I’m sure you can agree. 

How do you go about repairing your broken soul? You must first identify and resolve the things that are wrong with you. You have already been exposed to the causes of what is wrong with you and taken a quiz about it. That should have helped you but not in a way that you are able to notice yet. 

You also know what the three parts of the soul are and have been exposed to the idea that your problems are nearly insurmountable but there is hope in the form of help. The help you need depends on exactly what is wrong with you. You will not be quizzed this chapter. You are in no shape to take a quiz. Instead, you will have a joke. This is the joke you deserve:

Q. Why did the chicken cross the road?

A. You should be concerned with your own problems, not with the affairs of chickens.